Week 17: Wrapping It Up

Wrapping It Up Before the Holidays Final Thoughts Creating content for both MiraCosta and my own graphic design page was a positive, yet challenging experience. I think I look at it now as a resource for customer service versus having the freedom to post anything I want on social media platforms. There is a fine line between expressing yourself and cater to the needs of your customers. However, I think curating content for another business was more natural than curating content for my graphic design page. Reflecting on what I have worked on during the class, I should have selected my Toastmaster page as my main Facebook page. The MiraCoasta page is managed by the Public Information Office at MiraCosta, which uses Hootsuite to schedule posts, I couldn't really apply what I learned in class, so creating a graphic design Facebook page was my plan B, but it still needs a lot of work. If I were to select the Toastmaster page instead, I think I could have seen an improvem...