Week 15: Optimising Yourself and the Company

It's in the Data

After reading the lecture and researching examples of business that use Google Analytics, I think monitoring campaigns is vital. In Google Analytics, this campaigns can be found “Acquisition” →“All Traffic” → “Channels.”. With this types of reports, it indicates which campaigns bring in the most visits. For example, campaigns can be organic search and referrals. If these two campaigns bring in the most visits, I have to nourish that campaign to continue to be successful, so for organic searches being SEO friendly is a plus. As for referrals, it is likely that these users entering from there are possibly involved with me so I would like to personally thank that user, which would mean more involved research for that person and brings me to my next point. 

Furthermore, I also think it is essential to know where are converting users coming from, precisely. To find this information, navigate to “Acquisition” → "All Traffic” → “Source/Medium.” If one area is interesting enough to explore further, it can lead to assessing whether or not more traffic can come from that source. Perhaps there is a potential to create a co-marketing effort like advertise content by the original author with the hopes of revenue sharing. 

Overall, once I get more established with my business and other organizations that I am involved in, I look forward to being able to understand the analytics of my efforts in social media and digital marketing. 
